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A View from the Top 

Admiral Jlames O. Ellis, U.S. Navy 

CommandeMn-Chief, U.S. Naval Forces, Europe 
Commanded Allied Forces Southern Europe 


Commander, Joi)it Tai Force NOBLE ANVIL 
during OpereM ALLIED FORCE 

This Is . 

and Is Nd 

This is NOT: 

★ The story of the ALLIED FORCE air campaign 

D Statistics, facts and figures 

□ What your staffs and component commanders can tell 
you better than I 

□ AIL good news 

This IS an attempt to give you: 

D A senior Commander's unique perspectives and very 
personal opinions 

□ Thoughts on how the next Joint Force Commander 
can fight his campaign even better 

D A springboard for open and frank discussion 


The most precise and lowest collateral 
damage air campaign... in history [ 

* Achieved, all objectives ... at the strategic, 
operational and tactical levels of war 

0 Zero aircrews lost in 78 days of round-the-clock ops 
and over 38,000 combat sorties 

0 NATO's largest combat operation in its history 

0 13 of 19 allies contributed forces... 305 aircraft, 
almost 15,000 sorties 

0 Many operational firsts... but most importantly... 

FRY forces are out of_Kosoyo ... and the process 
of recovery is well underway under KFOR 

Is Much Good New^ 

§°r % 

Operational Firsts 

Impressive combat debuts: 

□ B-2 / JDAM "Global Reach— Global Power" concept 

□ SLAM-equipped P-3C AIP 

□ TLAMs launched by the Royal Navy — 21 launched from 
HMS SPLENDID (and reloaded in-theater) 

□ C-17 made possible the first-time air deployment of a 
major, multi-role Army force of Mis, M2s, MLRS, 105 and 
155 howitzers, and engineer equipment 

D JWAC Tier-4 Collateral Damage predictive modeling 
validated. ..time after time.. .in combat 

And broad, multi-dimensional non-combat theater 
ops continued unabated... 

The Air Campaign 

Highly effective and superbly executed... but politically 

★ Air power was an effective "arrow," but it was only one 
arrow in our "quiver"... needed to be complemented by 
other arrows to be maximally effective 

0 Air strikes were effective against VJ armor only after the 
UCK launched its major offensive 

D UCK forced the defending forces to uncover and mass their 
armor and mechanized forces 

0 Q36/Q37 highly effective in identifying VJ indirect fire 
assets... but work remains on "sensor-to-shooter" 

After the air campaign, significant ground forces were still 
required to occupy and secure the area. 

Planning and Posturing 

Just what is a major campaign? 

★ If Serbia took 78 days.... 

□ Is everything except SWA and Korea to be a "No 
Plan" start? 

What does that portend for planning, 
presence levels and required capabilities? 
D CVBG / ARG presence in the EUCOM AOR? 

□ Army mobility and deployability? 

D Joint war reserves and sustainability? 

□ Hjjrhe future of low density / high demand assets? 

Short War Syndrome 

We called this one absolutely, wrong ... 

★ Affected much of what followed: 

* JTF activation, staff composition, facilities, command 
and control, logistics and execution 

* Lack of a coherent campaign planning 

* Lack of adequate component staffing 

* The race to find suitable targets 

□ OPLAN focused on brief, single-dimension combat 

* Deception, diversion & feint opportunities lost 

* We failed to plan for branches and sequels 

What will we do next time? 

Activation in a Crisis 

JTF-NA was not formed around a pre- 
designated (and trained) theater staff 

★ Past paradigms have focused on training and 
planning for 3-star JTF Commanders only 

0 But major coalition operations of this 
magnitude require decisive and senior U.S. 
leadership (4-star) 

0 AFSOUTH / CNE was uniquely positioned to 
synchronize U.S. and alliance operations 

D CINCUSNAVEUR staff formed the core cadre... 
effective, but not optimal 

Implications for theater postures for 

n Traininn and hrnarl invpcfmpnt rpnuirpH 

*** F 

orming a JTF Next Time 

Requirement for “JTF in a Box" 

★ Plan for fully-functional JTF and component staffs 
/ Identify.. .or build. ..facilities, connectivity, SOPs 
Develop an augmentee database and training 



Use commercial systems, Joint Communications 
Support Element (JCSE), Deployable JTF 
Augmentation Cell (DJTFAC) 

Information Management Plan & C4I facility needed 
for staff, components... and alliance members! 

CNE already working these for Europe 

^V^The Political Environment flr" 

★ % €lr 

Affects every aspect of planning and execution 

★ Caused "incremental war" instead of decisive 

□ Excessive collateral damage concerns created 

sanctuaries ...and opportunities. ..for the adversary — 
which were successfully exploited 

□ We did not anticipate the difficulties of NATO out-of- 
charter operations 

n Ruling out a ground option corrupted JFLCC continuity, 
removed campaign planning, challenged C2, and 
resulted in a hasty last minute ground planning effort 

Ruling Out Ground 

■bif ^ 

Lack of the credible threat of ground invasion 
probably prolonged the air campaign 

* Although never committed to action, TF HAWK was 
"their worst nightmare" for enemy forces in Kosovo 

* The focus of a particularly effective PSYOP effort 

□ Our only "sequential plan" was to do more of the 
same.. .with more assets 

□ Only the enemy could decide the war was over 

Never say never... or deny yourself credible 

e Ground Component 

Lack of a Ground Component Commander 
was a mistake 

★ Even absent a combat ground offensive, the 
planning and staffing capabilities that an 
ARFOR would have provided were needed 

D Shifted significant ground planning 
responsibilities to the JTF staff — only 
marginally prepared to handle myriad issues 
pertaining to Initial Entry Force for Kosovo and 

You won't always know what you need 
until you need it 

impse at Urban 

Not yet the "Three Block War". ..but not the Iraqi 
desert either 

★ Future campaigns will have more target areas like 
Belgrade than Basra. ..or Route Pack I 

□ Ups the political constraints by an order of magnitude 

□ Allows adversaries to utilize CNN to their best advantage... 
yields informational "interior lines" 

D Impacts across the spectrum of capabilities: ISR, 
targeting, munitions, IO, collateral damage, world opinion, 
coalitions, etc. 

We were lucky... but luck is not a principle of war for 
the next Commander 


Collateral Damage 

The new “American Way of War''... 

★ Proud to be an American... only nation in the world 
with all the tools (analytic, modeling, platforms, 
weapons, training, intelligence) 

D But our allies cannot match us... 

D And adversaries will inflict as much CD as possible 

□ Very expensive. ..investment required to maintain and 
improve capabilities (in all areas) 

□ Creates public expectations. ..every incident is a 
perceived failure and will be exploited publicly 

Or self-inflicted asymmetric warfare? 

Nodal Analysis 

Properly done, enables great effects at greatly 
reduced effort, risk and cost 

★ Many successes... Electrical Power, POL, LOCs 

D Achieved effects precisely in line with theater and JTF 
strategic objectives 

□ Always planned for systematic, follow-on attacks 

□ Requires robust and sustained ISR and assessment... 
beginning long before and continuing throughout 

Enables system preservation as well as destruction... 
for follow-on ops (e.g., road structures within 
Kosovo for KFOR) 

Two vignettes... 

A War of Weather 

We may own the night. ..but poor weather creates 
sanctuaries and operational lulls 

□ Precision-guided is no longer "good enough" 

D We experienced greater than 50% cloud cover more than 
70% of the time... and it wasn't the worst part of the year 

□ Laser or EO-guided munitions cannot hit what the pilots 
cannot see 

D JDAM expenditure equaled the production rate 

GPS-guidance is a requirement and the way 
ahead... invest accordingly... allies too 

Information Operations 

At once a great success.. .and perhaps the greatest 
failure of the war 

★ First IO Cell activated at the JTF-level 

D All the tools are in place. ..only a few were used 

D Great people. ..with great access to leadership. ..but too 
junior and from the wrong communities to have the 
required impact on planning and execution 

D Incredible potential. ..must become our asymmetric "point 
of main effort". ..but not yet understood by war fighters... 
and classified beyond their access 

Properly executed, IO could have halved the length 
of the campaign 

^^Psychological Operations 

More important than ever 

★ Trust... and use... the 

D Beware of amateurs who 
"want to help"... with your 

0 Your prerogatives may be 
usurped. ..but don't 
surrender them 

D PSYOP is at once an art, a 

And a force multiolier 

Serbia at the Crossroads. 

The bomb ins will not last fora er, although when it finis it up to you. Eaclulay that goes by 
brings Serbia further unwanted destruction and increased isolation because of Milosevic’* 
pogrom inKosovo-Metohija. 

Now is the time to startthinkmg about the future. How will Serbia rebuild? Will any other country 
even want to help, or will you have to rebuild all by yourself" Where do you envision yourself and 
your country in a year; or in five years'* Whatkind ofburdenand future will this leave foryour 

Call on your leadershp to stop its atrocities in Kosov o-Metoltija and take positiv e steps to 
resoke the crisis now. 

The choice is yours. Do something about it. 

"^^ublic Info & Public 



Not a shining moment for the U.S. or NATO 

□ The enemy was better at this than we were... and far more 

D The enemy deliberately and criminally killed innocents by 
the thousands.. .but no one saw it 

□ We accidentally killed innocents sometimes by the 
dozens.. .and the world watched on the evening news 

□ We were continuously reacting, investigating and trying to 
answer "how could this happen?" 

D Milosevic had informational "interior lines" 

A much underutilized instrument of national and 
alliance power... ignore it at your peril 

***. Information Technology 

Great technology.. .but needs controls ... 

□ Information saturation is additive to "the fog of war" 

□ The demand for info will always exceed the capability to 
provide it... how much is enough ? 

□ You can have too much staff coordination ... and for issues 
that don't require it 

D Still need to "push" critical info vice "posting it" on the 
web page... no substitute for record traffic 

D You can only manage from your DTC... you cannot lead [ 
from it 

Uncontrolled, it will control you and your staffs. ..and 
lengthen your decision-cycle times 



Used properly... a most powerful tool 
* Ability to shorten decision cycles dramatically 
0 Clear and unambiguous Commander's Intent 
0 Obviates need for key commanders to be co-located 
Used improperly... 

□ A voracious consumer of leadership and key staff working 
hours ... the trend towards glitzy graphics 

0 No substitute for campaign planning and written orders 

□ Subject to misinterpretation as key guidance is filtered down 
to lower staff levels 

0 Enables senior leadership to sink to past comfort levels... 
discipline is required to remain at the appropriate level of 
engagement and command 

and truest 

, ~Tl_eaders f 


^ke-Looking IADS Roll-Bac 

After 78 days of hard campaigning, we effected 
little degradation on a modern IADS system 

★ Redundant systems and well-trained operators with 
the discipline to wait for a better opportunity 

D Affected tactical employment of airpower throughout 
the war (altitude restrictions) 

D Required significant ISR and SEAD efforts throughout 
the campaign (stressed LD/HD assets) 

Will we train for this environment.. .or continue 
to assume we can take IADS down early? 


bw Density / High Deman 



Low density assets were absolutely in high demand 

★ Impacts of this campaign will be felt for years (platforms, 
systems, reliability, parts, personnel, retention, 
replacement costs) 

D The trend is in the wrong direction... the demand will only 
get h/crher 

0 The density cannot remain low 

□ Regardless of service, an issue for joint funding at the 
highest priority 

D We do not leave home without them 

And without them... we cannot leave home 

Self-Inflicted Wounds in 
Asymmetric Warfare 

The enemy benefited from: 

★ The NCA / NAC target approval processes 
0 Our poor OPSEC posture (NATO and US) 

0 Our inability to wage full IO campaign 
0 Our self-suspension on cluster munitions 
□ Our standards for limiting Collateral Damage 
0 Our aversion to US casualties... and ground combat 
0 Our reactive vs. proactive Public Info / Public Affairs 

All of the above slowed the "Decide — Act" side of our 
own OODA loops ... and reduced our control of the 
operational tempo 

The next adversary will as well... and may take 
far better advantage of it 

Final Thoughts 

We succeeded. But what if... 

0 The enemy had attacked front line allies with ground 
forces... or theater ballistic missiles? 

0 The enemy had gotten even a few POWs... or KIAs? 

□ Invasion became the only option? 

0 The FRY submarine had sortied? 

□ We were still fighting in winter weather? 

0 We'd expended our precision munitions stocks? 

0 Public support had weakened or evaporated? 

□ France. ..or Italy (bed down) ... had said "enough"? 

□ North Korea or Iraq had attacked? 

We won't know until the next time